After me spending 75 days and my wife spending 82 days we finally returned home.  Once home, my wife had spasms that would keep her up most of the night and for approximately 3 months at home.  She now was taking medication for pain and spasms, and nothing was working for the Spasms.  She was told, by our family doctor, there was nothing more they could do for her.  After being home for a month and a half and not sleeping due to these spasms and upon hearing that there was nothing more they could do, we found a Beijing trained Acupuncturist who could treat these spasms.  While going through acupuncture she mentioned here surgical scar area was getting painful. 

The Surgical Scar appeared red so I informed my wife to go and see our Family Doctor.  There appeared to be an infection so it was it was being monitored for a week or so.  By April 2022 my wife now had a serious infection in her left leg where the left Hip was replaced.  Drs at Kelowna General Hospital took a draw from the wound and found a serious Yeast and Staff infection.

Upon further investigation in April, 1, 2022, they determined there was an 8-centimeter-deep tunnel wound infection, in the Hip replacement area.  (See Photo Below.)

This had been growing, supposedly since her last surgery and after leaving her in feces and urine soiled bedding.  After aspiration of the area, a sample was sent to the Infectious Disease Lab. They determined she had a Staph infection and she was put on an Anti-biotic routine.  Also, 3 appointments per week to treat the Infection at the Wound Clinic.  My wife was on this Antibiotic plan from April 2022 until January 2023.  The wound Clinic had determined the wound would not get smaller than 1 centimeter.  We went to see the Surgeon and he informed us they are going to have to open her up and flush out the wound infected area.

On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2023 my wife went back into Kelowna General Hospital to flush out this infection.  During her stay, which was a 2 day stay, she requested her Asthma medication.  While I was standing there the Nurse told her they didn’t have any.  I was furious.  I told the Nurse, get me somebody in charge.  For a hospital of this size, you are telling my wife and I there is no Asthma medication in this hospital.  After raising my voice, and requesting a manager, they came back in five minutes with the Proper medication.  Shame on them. Upon being released she was sent home on the 15 of February, 2023, with a PICC line installed.  I, as her husband, had to infuse her twice a day with an antibiotic drip for one and a half hours twice a day for 8 weeks ending on April 11, 2023.  She now has a large pool of material collecting in her leg reaching the size of a large Boil.  (See Photo)

They aspirated this and found NO infection yet.  We are now waiting to have this drained.  We have spent over $4500 in Acupuncture treatments which are slowly returning sleepful nights for her.  As of April 13, 2023 we had spoken to her Surgeon who called today.  He is Scheduling an Ultra Sound to determine if there are any Blood Clots, and then install a Drain to drain the Fluid.  We were also told that after this my wife will be on an oral Antibiotic for the rest of her life.  SUCH A TRAVESTY.

My wife was again scheduled for day surgery to drain and treat this.  This wound up being an overnight stay in Kelowna General Hospital. As I will NOT allow my wife to stay overnight by herself, I demanded, and got to stay with her overnight in Recovery. I took her home the next morning. They found another 2 Tunnel wounds, one 16 Centimeters deep and another 1 centimeter deep after cleaning this out. (See Photo)

My wife now was scheduled to visit the Wound Clinic every 2 to 3 days for the next 6 moths for the treatment of these tunnel wounds.  These wounds finally closed over on September16, 2023.

For those who think we have a legal case.  Oh, I know we do, according to four different Law firms, who deal with medical malpractice issues in British Columbia, Canada.  However, because of our age, Seniors on a fixed income, living in British Columbia, Canada, we have been informed, by these legal firms, who had Integrity and Ethics, there is potentially not enough money in any settlement.  They also told us that we could lose our retirement funds just fighting this.  Also, we could face financial ruin as these are such difficult cases, in Canada.   We were informed, “unless you are an Elon Musk”, we recommend you do not proceed with legal action.  Such a travesty for Seniors in Canada who are retired and on a fixed income.  It appears there is zero protection for SENIORS when it comes to medical malpractice in Canada.

The cost, to OUR MEDICAL SYSTEM so far, is excess of almost $400,000.00, for a $14,000.00 operation.  This will be ongoing as my wife needs to be on Anti-biotics permanently.    If this was My Company, the Employee, or Employees, involved in this lack of care, would be TERMINATED.  But not at Kelowna General Hospital.   SAD!!   

I have written two letters to our Health Minister, Adrian Dix, in Victoria British Columbia and have had ZERO response from this man’s office.  This effects ALL patients and SENIORS. IMHO.

The Following two letters we sent. The First letter was sent regular mail. The Second was sent when I had received Zero RESPONSE after 90 days.


April 20, 2023

Hon. Adrian Dix – Minister of Health

Room 337 Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC  V8V 1X4

Dear Hon. Adrian Dix:

I and writing to you regarding the Failure of adequate care at Kelowna General Hospital. (KGH) My wife went in for simple Left Hip Replacement Surgery.  The Surgical team went above and beyond in my wife’s overall care. The surgical team were Outstanding.  However, the same cannot be said for the care she received within 4-West of KGH.  Licensed RNs and LPNs refused to follow the Surgeon’s Instruction.  I have included in the email, that this letter is being sent with, a three-page summary of what has happened to my wife due to Negligence.

Even though I was good enough to meet with the President of the US, the CEO of Interior Health didn’t even respond to my request to go over what happened.  I had meeting with three directors at KGH and they just strung me along.  I have all documented PROOF of all communication and what happened while under KGH care.

I would like to know what you, what the Ministry, KGH and Interior Health are going to do about this?  I do not want to go to the Press, but will, as this is not over, and will not be until my wife’s situation is taken care of.  We are retired Seniors (80 and 75) on a fixed income.

Please read the three-page summary.  I am willing to meet with whomever you suggest, to put this to rest.


Gordon A. Ross  BScEE, PEng.,  CET,  HSG


July 26, 2023

Hon. Adrian Dix – Minister of Health


Room 337 Parliament Buildings
Victoria, B.C.  V8V 1X4

Dear Hon. Adrian Dix:

This is a follow-up to the letter sent to you on April 20, 2023.  To date I received one call from the Patient Quality Control Department in Victoria.  I informed them I had already met with Directors from the Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) and the Patient Quality Control for KGH in the fall of 2021.  The result of that meeting was they did virtually nothing but Stone wall me.

It now has been over 2 years since this travesty happened in KGH and NO ONE has been held accountable for this.  All of this has been heavily documented.

To date we personally have spent over $5,000 from our savings, because of the inadequate care received at KGH.  RN’s and an LPN did NOT Follow the Surgeon’s CARE orders, after Surgery.  Because of this, a 10-day hospital stay turned into an 82 day stay and then 23 months continually fighting infection and spasms.  Two RN’s also left my wife in bed sheets soiled with feces and urine with an open hip surgery wound.  I was there and was horrified.  I spend 75 days at KGH and was horrified in what I observed during this time.    My wife is still fighting infection for the past 20 months, and she has to go to the WOUND clinic every 2 days. 

My wife and I are both Retired Seniors on a fixed income.  We have not been able to travel at all because of this failure in care at KGH.

We cannot recoup any of our costs, let alone the loss of quality of life, because we are too old.  To me, this flies in the face of Discrimination against ALL Seniors on a fixed income in this Country.  I believe the Gov’t of BC should be re-imbursing theses costs as they failed to provide ADEQUATE care.  To add more costs for us, we now have to travel to Vancouver to see Specialists, which is going to cost us another couple of thousand dollars for accommodations and travel. 

I am willing to come to Victoria to discuss this if you wish.  I look forward to a speedy response.

I may be reached at 604.728.5012 or Email at  I have also included the original Letter sent to you.


Gordon A. Ross  BScEE, PEng.,  CET,  HSG

Cc:  MLA – Ben Stewart


  1. Daryl Hindley

    Have you considered contacting Global News? I have seen them get involved in many cases with good results.

    • Gordon Ross

      Hi Daryl: Oh yes, I have sent all of this to CBC, CTV and Global.. No one came back, I will never give up this fight. This affects ALL SENIOR CITIZENS in CANADA who are retired and on a fixed Income, with no future earnings (Employment). The Canadian SUPREME COURT in the 1970’s passed a law restricting Pain and Suffering to $100,000 underr a Medical Malpractice Case. Today that is $350,000 due to inflation over the years. 3 major VANCOUVER Law firms said we DEFINATELY have a Medical Malpractice Case. Unfortunatley, due to out Ages there is not enough in any Settlement to cover the Legal Costs. In BC just to starty would require %100,000 and at least 3 to 5 years to settle. It was recommendd unless we had the fnancial resources of an Elon Musk, we should not persue this as it would take much of our retirment savings with no recourse. SAD, I think. Thank you for your information.

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